Sun Days

photo taken March 2020

one year ago: In The Key Of Tree
two years ago: Sittin’ Pretty
three years ago: Golden… & Leeettle Paws
four years ago: Mouth To Mouth
five years ago: Dreamer
six years ago: Downward Dog
seven years ago: Before it All Melted
eight years ago: Winter Wonder
nine years ago: On His Way In
ten years ago: Fabulous Mr. Frost
eleven years ago: Miss Daisy
twelve years ago: Cornball

3 Responses to “Sun Days”

  1. mj Says:

    Such a happy face. I can relate…I think that’s my face on a sunny, non snow day…only Charlie is much better looking:)

  2. Bev Says:

    Beautiful photo of a stunning boy.

  3. torre Says:

    so happy! i’m so behind on blog pictures – nice to catch up!

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