Flower Child

photo taken May 2020

one year ago: Lushness
two years ago: Warble
three years ago: Livin’s Easy
four years ago: Leeetle Marshmallow
five years ago: Rockin’ Out
six years ago: Dirty Window
seven years ago: Notes On Charlie ~ April 23
eight years ago: Rainbow Bright
nine years ago: Fog Bone
ten years ago: Candid Coyote
eleven years ago: Baby’s Back
twelve years ago: Charlie Howling

2 Responses to “Flower Child”

  1. NG in NH Says:

    Aw, he looks so mellow — ready to nod off, or maybe just waking from a snooze. Love the bright green and yellow!

  2. Torre Says:

    awwwww so cute! i vote for this one on the next calendar!

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