Indy Each Other

photo taken August 27, 2007 • title thanks to Skimmie

Your comments were so across-the-board fantastic this week ~ I eventually realized I could not pick one!  And so, because Mike found the prize, Mike chose the winner.  Skimmie, congrats!  By Mike’s laugh as he read your entry, I knew you would be the chosen one.

• • •
You know the drill by now!
Me + Charlie = this pic from our first summer together
You + Words = title for this photo
Winner = Prize
The prize this week is not especially pretty, but it is pretty awesome ~ it’s a buffalo horn Mike found last week, which is at least 100 years old, for that was last when buffalo roamed this area. And I’m throwing in a 2009 Charlie Calendar to boot, good for the second half of this year.
Now name it!

275 Responses to “Indy Each Other”

  1. janice Says:

    spring Buds

  2. Cassie Says:

    “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow.
    Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead.
    Walk beside me and be my friend.”
    – Albert Camus

  3. karen Says:

    Curiosity only killed the cat, right?

  4. Star Says:

    I know I packed a wrench!

  5. a1azen Says:

    Getting to know you.

    Looking at you looking at me.

  6. Carolina Moon Says:

    I wanna drive! “No I’m driving!”

  7. suzanne Says:

    “Victory Lap”!

    (well, you look like you’ve run the race, anyway – and by that summer, Charlie’d’a known he’d won!!)

  8. AmyM Says:

    Probably too late, but:

    Me and My Shadow.

  9. Wehaf Says:


    All you need is love.

  10. Jo Says:

    Smokey & The Bandit

  11. Kathy F. Says:

    Gluten-free pasta, again!?

  12. Kathy F. Says:

    “I thought we were going to the races!?

  13. Kathy F. Says:

    A little nose goes a long way.

  14. Kathy F. Says:

    Someone’s been here before!

  15. Kathy F. Says:

    “A friend sticks by you, closer than a brother”
    (from proverbs.)

  16. Kathy F. Says:

    Proverbs 18:24 to be exact. 8^)

  17. Hans-J Says:

    sharing the day

  18. Skimmie Says:

    (sniff sniff…) “Hey Mom! I think I found it! Oh…um…what are we looking for?”

  19. ida Says:

    Charlie: Try turning the manual the other way
    Mom: Grrrrhh

  20. Connie Says:

    The Stockton Expedition

  21. Julie Wright Says:

    Could you turn the page already………????

  22. Robin Says:

    Hillbilly pit crew

  23. Vicky Says:

    This is a beautiful site!! I love how you two live together… thank you for sharing x

  24. Debbie Says:

    If Charlie’s nose had been closer to your arm pit, my submission would have been ‘Pit Stop’ – however, i thought he was a little too far off the mark to make it funny – I think Mike picked a good one –

  25. Ethan Says:

    Corduroy + Coyote = Cordote! Look out! It’s a Cordote! Don’t worry, it’s easy to hear them coming…vvvt vvvt vvvt vvvt vvvt…

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