Charlie In His Rain Coat

photo taken March 2010 • title thanks to Sue

one year ago: Through The Fence Lightly
two years ago: Winter Night At The Neighbor’s

Oh my goodness this was so worth the wait!  Thank you so much for all coming back ~ I LOVED reading all your entries.   And it was SO hard to choose.  Sue, there is just something so sweet about your caption, I adore it.  And everyone else ~ I bow to you.  I didn’t even try to narrow down the list of runner-ups:
Wet and Wild!
Go outside, you said.  It’s nice outside, you said.  Just a little sprinkle, you said.
You nose I love you…right?
Outdoor bath, just like mom.
Prickly pup
Wet nose, wet toes…sweet eyes, grey skies.
Snout by Snout Wet
Look What the Cat Dragged In!!!!!!!!!
Pin Head
Rain Check!
Eau dear!
To Nose Me Is To Love Me
I’m going to go dry off  in your bed now.
Scratch & Sniff
Found the bathtub out back  YAY
Wet and Wily
Prickly Puff
Home-Grown Hedgehog: Just Add Water!
Charlie the Black Nosed “RainDear”
“No really. Grandma’s just out back, hanging up the laundry. Come on in, little girl.

I’m back and you’re back and the caption contest is back!
If you’ve been over on ze sister site HONEY ROCK DAWN
you’ll know I was out of town.  For the first time in four years.
Will write more about that over there later this week.
But now, without further adieu,

It’s Charlie soaking wet after a rainstorm but you probably
knew that already as you’re such a brilliant lot.
Can’t wait to see what you’ve got up your sleeve & in your mind.
Prize this week will be a most fantabulous Wyoming care package
filled with rocks that sparkle, rocks that slice,
and rocks that just sit there!

235 Responses to “Charlie In His Rain Coat”

  1. Randi Says:

    coyote, animated

  2. Stello Says:

    It was like that when I arrived on the scene, honest..

  3. Karen Says:

    It’s a Wyoming hedgehog!

  4. Christine Says:

    “You can back up now”

  5. Brooke Says:

    A Nose Knows

  6. kathleen Says:


  7. Mandy Jordan Says:

    Got any gum?

  8. patty Says:

    canis wombat-is

  9. carmel Says:


  10. carmel Says:


  11. carmel Says:


  12. carmel Says:

    hog-wash !

  13. Nickole Says:

    You put me out in the rain,I eated your camera!

  14. Barbie Says:

    “I’m melting”

  15. Ashley Says:

    Bright Eye’d and Bushy

  16. carmel Says:

    Oh shitzu…locked out again !

  17. laura h Says:

    i can’t even think i’m laughing so hard at this pic!

  18. Roxie Says:

    Charlie Chia Pet

    Charlie ch-ch-ch-ch-chia!

  19. Rebekah Says:

    I can’t get over how much he looks like Dug from “Up.” So:

    I was hiding under your porch because I LOVE YOU!
    Please be my prisoner!

    And, on a slightly related note: Charlie, Dug Deep

  20. Dave Cox Says:

    It’s me Mom, Charlie. Why did you call me a hedgehog?

  21. Siobhan Kay Says:

    “I got a little wet…”

    “Take a note: rain is wet.”

    Do your animals get stir crazy when it rains? I’ve never had a dog, but my cat used to make annoyed sounds and yowl at me while looking out at the rain as if begging me to make it stop!

  22. don_M Says:

    Poor Poor Pitful Me

    caption submission above, minor lyric revision below (thanks to WZ)

    Poor, poor pitiful me
    Poor, poor pitiful me
    That picture takin’ girl won’t let me be
    Lord have mercy on me
    Woe is me

  23. don_M Says:

    errr, I meant:

    Poor Poor Pitiful Me

    I cannot believe I messed that up…!

  24. Jia En Says:

    I don’t have a caption for this. I just wanted to say… Charlie is SO DAMN CUTE here!!

  25. Tanya Keenan Says:

    Got Towel?

  26. Kelly Says:

    I Nose I Needed A Bath!

  27. Shanna Says:

    Nobody Nose the Trouble I’ve Seen

  28. Holly Says:

    He does look like a hedgehog!!!!! Love him , love him, love him!!!!

  29. mel Says:

    “Please Mom…”?

  30. Angela S. Says:

    Hedgehog wash

    Eau de Charlie

  31. Holly Says:


  32. Anonymous Says:

    Oh I love this. Just love it. Will you have this one for sale?

  33. Andrea Says:

    actually Anonymous is me… just hit the enter key a little too quickly!

  34. John Laplante Says:

    Ma ! You didn’t tell it was pouring out there, now look at me !!

  35. Sophia T. Says:

    Oh, look at the beautiful face!!!

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