Simply Beautiful

photo taken March 2016

one year ago: Good Golly, Charlie
two years ago: Whiteout
three years ago: Pigpen
four years ago: No Love Like Carpet Love
five years ago: Fleet As A Feather
six years ago: Cookies ‘N Cream (& A Little Bit Nuts…)
seven years ago: Resting on the Path to Brotherhood
eight years ago: Notes On Charlie – December 4

5 Responses to “Simply Beautiful”

  1. Jsara Says:

    Coyote with a collar! He is simply beautiful!!

  2. LoisAnne Graff Says:

    It is such a privilege to see this guy. I can’t even tell you how many times I read your book. Love the way he just blends with his surroundings.

  3. Kylie Says:

    Great picture! Love reading your blog, keep up the posts!

  4. Jenny C Says:

    Pure harmony. Just lovely.

  5. Torre Says:

    Wonderful colors and such thoughtfulness

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