Charlie’s Cave

photo taken September 2016

Charlie built a den last spring (which I shared HERE), and while he was quite proud of his work, he mostly ignored it. Sometimes he’d sit at the entrance, but he never went into his little cave. Until recently!

For the past few weeks, I’ve found him napping in his den during the day (he still sleeps in the house at night, and can come inside any time he likes). It’s his little man cave. Yesterday, camera in hand, I lured him out and got this shot.

one year ago: Sunset Colorscape
two years ago: Mesmereyes
three years ago: In The Spotlight
four years ago: Big Blue
five years ago: Underdog
six years ago: Quixote Coyote And A Round Hound
seven years ago: Every Day With You Is A Day To Celebrate!
eight years ago: Guarding Her Nap
nine years ago: Swimming The Grass Ocean

14 Responses to “Charlie’s Cave”

  1. Scotty Says:

    omgosh, charlie built a man cave ?! ha, that’s amazing. and a pretty good one at that.

  2. wright1 Says:

    A healthy, content canine sharing his space with his Alpha. Lovely image, as ever.

  3. Crystal Perkins Says:

    Wow beautiful Charlie seems like he gots a home for himself
    I think I found out where my small pack of coyotes live at earlier this year Pretty quite sure I came across their main den site Cause most of the time I hear them, it’s usually close by where I think I found their place I only heard 3-4 of them twice last night locating where each other was at Cause they split up to look for prey

  4. Jenny C Says:

    Gives new meaning to the term “digs”.
    Wonder if you’ll soon find an extension cord snaking from the cave – you know, for the tv, mini-fridge and microwave.

    I love this shot. Thanks, Shreve.

  5. mlaiuppa Says:

    Well, he is getting on in years. Perhaps at almost 10 he felt he should become a home-owner.

    If he’s napping more during the day than he used to, perhaps he wants a quiet, private place were he feels safer when he naps.

    You can’t take the coyote out of the coyote, after all.

    It will be interesting to see if Chloe ever joins him in there.

  6. Karen Says:

    I love this glimpse into Charlie’s ‘feral’ side!!! So pretty how his coat matches the Wyoming dirt. The other comments are ~hilare~!!

  7. bonnie Says:

    maybe he needs a quiet retreat from the new kitten :) if orange kitty is indeed a local, he could be carrying some of Eli’s genes!

  8. Pamela Says:

    One of my all time favorite pictures of Charlie!!! If not my fav! So natural!
    & I think Bonnie is correct,,,the new kitten probably does have a little Eli in him.
    What a very special life you created for yourself, Shreve.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    That is an amazing cave that Charlie built for himself! Guess it shows that he can’t be completely domesticated!? Our dog still has some digging genes in her, but nothing like Charlie’s great “dig.” I wonder if it is Charlie’s age making him return to his “roots” to rest in a safe spot.(?)

  10. Sandy G. Says:

    Sorry, the last post was from me. My advanced age made me forget to fill in my name before posting. Oops!

  11. hello haha narf Says:

    this is really interesting! i am not very knowledgeable about coyotes so please forgive me if this is a silly question, but does it have anything to do with getting ready for babies? i know you neutered him, but is instinct still driving the need for a den?
    regardless, thank you for sharing this spectacular photo!

  12. Carol Says:

    This is a really late post about this picture. I love how Charlie can still express his wild side. He has such a perfect life with you

  13. Says:

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