photo taken February 2020

A different photo of Charlie will appear here every time you visit the blog.
You can scroll to see the archives or use the menu in the sidebar.

photo taken April 2016

one year ago: Spring, Exclamation Point
two years ago: Wet
three years ago: Slap Me Some Skin
four years ago: Acute Blue
five years ago: Statuesque
six years ago: Surprisingly Skinny Sans Snowsuit
seven years ago: The Familiar Path
eight years ago: Charlie Kissing Calves

OK, these photos aren’t the greatest, but the moment was so funny….
I was not throwing the stuffie to Charlie for him to catch; both my hands were on my camera. He was tossing it in the air and catching it,
over and over, all by himself!

photo taken April 2016

one year ago: Spring Wind
two years ago: Wet
three years ago: Raw Sienna
four years ago: Acute Blue
five years ago: Fuzzy Face
six years ago: First Breath Of Spring
seven years ago: Indy Each Other
eight years ago: Charlie Kissing Calves

words by Virginia Woolf
photo taken April 2016

one year ago: Spring Wind
two years ago: Charlie Cottontail
three years ago: Raw Sienna
four years ago: Catwalk
five years ago: Soaking Up A Scant Spot Of Sun
six years ago: Posing For Picasso
seven years ago: Indy Each Other
eight years ago: Becoming A King

photo taken April 2016

one year ago: TGIF!
two years ago: Charlie Cottontail
three years ago: Impossible Angle
four years ago: He’s Mine
five years ago: Big Red Snake
six years ago: Posing For Picasso
seven years ago: Snow Pounce
eight years ago: Becoming A King

photo taken April 2016

one year ago: Deep Thoughts
two years ago: Seven Years Old!
three years ago: To Be, And Beyond
four years ago: Sliver Of Song
five years ago: Prize Pheasant
six years ago: Urchin
seven years ago: Popping Up To Say Hi
eight years ago: Trying To Fly