Last month, I had the incredible privilege of giving the commencement
address at Colorado State University. Click HERE if you’d like to see video.

photo taken May 2015

A different photo of Charlie will appear here every time you visit the blog.
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Charlie’s become more social and loving the older he gets, which is the opposite of what I expected to happen. He often plays outside and will suddenly race in to where I sit at the computer and put his paws on my knee to say Hi!!! and then run back outside. One afternoon we were up at MC’s and at some point I told Charlie to sit (because I’ve taught him to sit and Charlie knows he must sit before he gets treats). MC almost fell off his chair – he couldn’t believe I had taught a coyote to sit. But it’s as much Charlie as it is me – Charlie’s just so good. He’s such a happy being and wants everyone else to be happy too.

The biggest event of late is that Charlie’s dog teeth are coming in. He has eight adult teeth now. When I noticed he was growing big teeth I started looking in his mouth fairly often because it’s just amazing to see them poking through; to see what teeth are new, which are loose and which have fallen out. And every so often I see a tiny baby tooth just dangling, and I pluck them out and now have three of his tiny coyote baby teeth.