
photo taken March 2020

one year ago: Perfect Poofy Profile
two years ago: The Light Returns
three years ago: Elemental
four years ago: Hello, It’s Me
five years ago: Baby In The Corner
six years ago: Welcoming Spring
seven years ago: Let’s See…
eight years ago: Precision
nine years ago: Security Blanket
ten years ago: A New Toy In The New Snow
eleven years ago: Happy To Eat Dirt
twelve years ago: He’s Not Cold

2 Responses to “Prayer”

  1. Terry Says:

    Say Hallelujah!

  2. mlaiuppa Says:

    Shreve, I don’t know if you have HBO or watch Bill Maher but his closing monologue on Friday night was just up your alley. He talked about factory farming and he condemned the conditions of our food chain being as bad as the wet markets in China. Excellent monologue and very effective condemnation of cruelty to animals and our treatment of the planet.

    It might be on YouTube. I highly recommend looking it up.

    I’d say the timing of your book is spot on as I suspect it reflects a lot of what he says.

    That keeping animals in the close quarters, filth and stress of the factory farms produced bad food. That eating humanely raised food and reducing our intact of protein would be good for the health of the entire country. Less meat, more fruit, vegetables and grains. More exercise. It would not only cut down on the cross-over pandemics but also result in a healthier population to begin with.

    I’m sorry you can’t deliver your lovingly raised meat to your customers this year, but I rejoice that your local food banks will be the recipients of such a wonderful gift.

    Going to donate now so someone can benefit from some healthy and humanely raised beef.

    And please. A little Daisy fix?

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