At Least *He’s* Carefree

photo taken March 2020

one year ago: Sir Side Eye
two years ago: Truth And Beauty
three years ago: Golden… & Leeettle Paws
four years ago: Totem Pole
five years ago: Blythe Spirit
six years ago: Throwback Thursday
seven years ago: Spring In His Step
eight years ago: He Came, He Saw, He Smiled
nine years ago: Hey Shorty
ten years ago: Fabulous Mr. Frost
eleven years ago: Hide And Sleep
twelve years ago: Courting

5 Responses to “At Least *He’s* Carefree”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Good for you, Charlie. Be free and live long

  2. Paul F. Says:

    Good for you, Charlie. Be free and live long

  3. Vanessa H Says:

    If it wasn’t for you Shreve, he’d have a whole lot to worry about; you’ve given him a good life ❤ Thank you for sharing it with us ☺

  4. Terry Says:

    The better to eat you with, Grandma!

  5. Susan Says:

    I just read your book this past month.
    What a Beautiful, Heart-warming story. I was enthralled by it ~ by the beauty of the lessons you learned from each other. He is your ‘soul-mate’. The Love you shared is the most precious gift anyone could receive.
    At this point, I would love to know the ‘up-to-date story’ of those in the original book. When did you get the puppy, what is he, and how did it go? How is Mike, what was the outcome there? I gather Charlie is still alive. What about Eli? Can you refer me to which book I should buy?
    I am a Devout Animal lover. I Dearly love CATS, and care for 5 right now. Live in E. Central Fl., am 77 yrs young. I SO look forward to hearing from you. Thank You for that Beautiful story of Love & Life. Susan Tyler

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