Eloquent Eyes

photo taken April 2020

one year ago: Hide And Seek
two years ago: Singing Happy Birthday ~ Charlie is Eleven!
three years ago: In The Light
four years ago: Just Slightly Excited
five years ago: Rare Mist
six years ago: Heart Of Gold
seven years ago: Toy Destruction Aftermath
eight years ago: Fraggleface
nine years ago: A Reminder Of What Summer Looks Like
ten years ago: That Smile!
eleven years ago: Lullaby
twelve years ago: He Hasn’t Quite Figured It Out

2 Responses to “Eloquent Eyes”

  1. Kim Says:

    In all these rich textures and colors, his eyes do indeed stand out as well as his shiny black nose.

  2. torre Says:

    I love this picture! such a contrast in lighting. and his little bent paw 😀

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