August Fantasies

photo taken January 2019

one year ago: Charlie In May vs Charlie In July
two years ago: A Pouf Of Color
three years ago: Close To Camoflaged
four years ago: Pretty Little Things
five years ago: Your Gorgeous Chaos
six years ago: Angel’s Angles
seven years ago: Interrupting A Romp
eight years ago: Notes On Charlie ~ July 5
nine years ago: Yay! Play!
ten years ago: Shedding Season
eleven years ago: Snow Nosedive
twelve years ago: The Livin’s Easy

3 Responses to “August Fantasies”

  1. NG in NH Says:

    I’m confused — is there snow in this one? In August? Or are my eyes playing tricks?

  2. NG in NH Says:

    Was I dreaming? I think it originally did say “photo taken August 2020,” no? Just checking to see if my sanity is intact… lol.

  3. torre Says:

    i could use some of that in MD – it’s been too hot here this summer!

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