photo taken September 2012

one year ago: Love Goblin
two years ago: Window To The Coyote Soul
three years ago: Soul Snippet
four years ago: Nest In The Grass
five years ago: Conked

A different photo of Charlie will appear here every time you visit the blog.
You can scroll to see the archives or use the menu in the sidebar.

words by Lao Tzu
photo taken January 2019

one year ago: Mist…..erious
two years ago: True North
three years ago: Upside Down, Boy You Turn Me
four years ago: Tiger Grrr
five years ago: Mmmm Good
six years ago: Hey Hey
seven years ago: Sun Sparkles
eight years ago: Oldies But Goodies
nine years ago: Hide And Go Sepia
ten years ago: Which Is The Cutest: Yawn, Ears, Or Paws?
eleven years ago: Three More, Because I Love Them

photo taken January 2019

one year ago: Talkin’ To Fairies And Sparrows
two years ago: Jack Frost
three years ago: Upside Down, Boy You Turn Me
four years ago: Blue Sky Horizons
five years ago: Mmmm Good
six years ago: Leaving His Mark
seven years ago: Those Yellow Eyes
eight years ago: A Fluffy Pup Makes A Furry Flurry In A Fury
nine years ago: Hide And Go Sepia
ten years ago: All This Corn Is Mine
eleven years ago: King Of The Manure Mountain

photo taken January 2019

one year ago: Soft Serve
two years ago: Wonderland
three years ago: Kissable
four years ago: Blue Sky Horizons
five years ago: Golden
six years ago: Jack Frost
seven years ago: Snow Snow Snow Snow SNOW!
eight years ago: A Fluffy Pup Makes A Furry Flurry In A Fury
nine years ago: Love….
ten years ago: All This Corn Is Mine
eleven years ago: Notes On Charlie – September 21

photo taken January 2019

one year ago: Glorious
two years ago: Wonderland
three years ago: Kissable
four years ago: Squeak!
five years ago: A Delicate Step
six years ago: Chilly Kiss
seven years ago: Snow Snow Snow Snow SNOW!
eight years ago: Second Spot Of Snow, With Stuffie
nine years ago: Love….
ten years ago: He’s Got The Right Idea
eleven years ago: Restin’

photo taken January 2019

one year ago: Glorious
two years ago: Super Floof
three years ago: Seriously Funny
four years ago: Clean And Bright
five years ago: Great Gape
six years ago: Rug Wrestle
seven years ago: Snowy Angel
eight years ago: Second Spot Of Snow, With Stuffie
nine years ago: Cow Skull Of Halloween Past
ten years ago: The Church Readerboard!
eleven years ago: Magic Majestic